Talking to Kids About Stuff That Matters

Rick Warren
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The world is tough to navigate even for adults. For kids, with their lack of real life experience, it's another level of hard...

... because kids are developing their own identities, choosing friends, learning to communicate and, especially in modern times, having to deal with harassment and bullies all around them.

Whether you're a parent or just an elder in a child's life, it's your duty to guide them down a good path. Sometimes that can be difficult... we want what's best for the next generation but we don't know how to really make a difference in a kid's life.

This series includes six separate messages on the most important things that can be taught to a kid (or to an adult, this is advice anyone could benefit from!). You will grow as a person and be more comfortable with teaching the next generation to live life with faith in a God that will always be there.

Sermons include:

  1. Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Identity is about your true identity in Christ which makes each of us unique and special in his eyes. This means that we can't let our identity be taken and that we must be proud of it.
  2. Forming Healthy Friendships includes qualities that you don't want in a real friend and what to look for when you choose core friends for a fuller life.
  3. Creating Life Shaping Conversations stresses the importance of listening in our conversations and how to speak so people will actually want to listen and engage with us.
  4. Being A Disciple In The Digital Age warns against the spiritual dangers of digital tools but also how we can use our tools to spread the glory of God in modern times.
  5. Helping Our Kids Hold Onto Faith explains how important it is for kids to have a faith of their own and goes through four ways to grow a strong faith that we can always fall back on.
  6. When You're Harassed And Bullied talks about seven ways we can deal with harassment in a healthy Christian way that will give us a better understanding of other people and the evil that can take hold of us.

This resource includes:

  • MP3 audio of each message for easy listening on the go no matter if you use iPhone or Android, or any other MP3 player.
  • Transcripts to read when listening might not be an option, or you want to go back and highlight a passage you particularly enjoyed.
  • Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to follow along with while listening so you can really absorb and understand the messages.
  • Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display to aid in teaching others.

NOTE: The DVD set includes only the video for each sermon, not the additional resources listed above.