We’ve put together a flowing stream of content to nourish and enrich the lives and leadership of pastors everywhere. We want this space to be a dynamic community where church leaders can draw encouragement and wisdom from one another.
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- Dando Forma a Tu Futuro “Yo” (Shaping Your Future Self)
Starting at $27.99 $21.99
Cuando hay tanta incertidumbre a nuestro alrededor, es difícil hacer planes a largo plazo. Pero pase lo que pase en 2022, todavía tienes control total sobre las elecciones que haces y el tipo de persona en la que te conviertes. Entonces, ¿cómo pretendes convertirte este año en la persona que Dios quiere que seas?
En esta serie de seis partes, Dando Forma a Tu Futuro “Yo”, el pastor Rick Warren y el orador invitado, el pastor Derwin L. Gray, enseñarán a sus miembros cómo vencer el desánimo a través de la adoración, establecer metas de fe que agraden a Dios, vernos a nosotros mismos a través de los ojos de Dios y desarrollar hábitos que nos ayudará a aguantar en tiempos difíciles.
Los mensajes incluyen:
- El Increíble Poder de la Alabanza (Rick Warren)
- Cómo Agradar a Dios Fijando Metas de Fe (Rick Warren)
- Hábito Santo: Ver lo que Dios Ve (Derwin L. Gray)
- Hábitos que me Ayudan a Resistir en Tiempos Difíciles - Parte 1 (Rick Warren)
- Hábitos que me Ayudan a Resistir en Tiempos Difíciles - Parte 2 (Rick Warren)
- Hábitos que me Ayudan a Resistir en Tiempos Difíciles - Parte 3 (Rick Warren)
Este recurso incluye para cada mensaje:
- Audio MP3 del mensaje - Escuche cómo el pastor predicó este mensaje, observando su tono, timbre, énfasis y otras variaciones en la forma de predicar.
- Transcripción: siga el mensaje por escrito mientras el audio y marque el documento con sus propias notas.
- Bosquejos (en blanco y completos): adapte estos bosquejos a su mensaje y entrégueselos a sus miembros para que tomen notas mientras predica.
- Diapositivas de mensajes (.jpeg y PowerPoint): personalice estas diapositivas para resaltar ciertas partes/escrituras en su mensaje.
- “Hablemos” preguntas de discusión: brinde estas atractivas preguntas de reflexión a sus grupos pequeños para discutir lo que aprendieron de su mensaje en las reuniones semanales.
When there is so much uncertainty around us, it’s hard to make long-term plans. But no matter what happens in 2022, you still have complete control over the choices you make and the kind of person you become. So, how do you intend to grow this year into the person God wants you to be?
In this six-part series, Shaping Your Future Self, Pastor Rick Warren and guest speaker Pastor Derwin L. Gray will teach your members how to overcome discouragement through worship, set faith goals that please God, see ourselves through God’s eyes, and develop habits that will help us hold on in tough times.
Messages include:
- The Awesome Power of Praise (Rick Warren)
- Pleasing God by Setting Faith Goals (Rick Warren)
- Holy Habit: Seeing What God Sees (Derwin L. Gray)
- Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times Pt 1 (Rick Warren)
- Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times Pt 2 (Rick Warren)
- Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times Pt 3 (Rick Warren)
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of the message - Listen to how each pastor preached this message, noting his tone, pitch, speed, and other variations of delivery.
- Transcript - Follow along as you listen to the audio message and mark the document with your own notes and highlights.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) - Customize these outlines to your message and give them to your members to take notes as you preach.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) - Customize these slides to highlight certain parts/Scriptures in yo
- ¿Dónde está Dios Cuando Hay Dolor? (Where Is God When It Hurts?)
Starting at $19.99 $13.99
El dolor es un hecho de la vida, pero la miseria es opcional. Mucha gente desperdicia su dolor. Y dado que vas a experimentar dolor en la Tierra, también puedes usarlo para el bien en tu vida.
En esta serie de tres partes, ¿Dónde está Dios cuando hay dolor?, el pastor Rick Warren les mostrará a sus miembros cómo Dios usa el dolor en sus vidas para bien, compartirá cinco elecciones que pueden hacer para beneficiarse de su dolor y les dará cuatro maneras que pueden usar el dolor en sus vidas para ayudar a otros a sanar.
Los mensajes incluyen:
- Cómo Dios Puede Usar el Dolor para Mi Bien
- ¿Cómo Sacarle Provecho a Mi Dolor?
- Usa Tu Dolor para Ayudar a Otros
Este recurso incluye para cada mensaje:
- Audio MP3 del mensaje - Escuche cómo el pastor Rick Warren predicó este mensaje, observando su tono, timbre, énfasis y otras variaciones en la forma de predicar.
- Transcripción: siga el mensaje por escrito mientras el audio y marque el documento con sus propias notas.
- Bosquejos (en blanco y completos): adapte estos bosquejos a su mensaje y entrégueselos a sus miembros para que tomen notas mientras predica.
- Diapositivas de mensajes (.jpeg y PowerPoint): personalice estas diapositivas para resaltar ciertas partes/escrituras en su mensaje.
- “Hablemos” preguntas de discusión: brinde estas atractivas preguntas de reflexión a sus grupos pequeños para discutir lo que aprendieron de su mensaje en las reuniones semanales.
Pain is a fact of life, but misery is optional. A lot of people waste their pain. And since you're going to experience pain on Earth, you may as well use it for good in your life.
In this three-part series, Where Is God When It Hurts?, Pastor Rick Warren will show your members how God uses the pain in their lives for good, share five choices they can make to benefit from their pain, and give them four ways they can use the pain in their lives to help others heal.
Messages include:
- How God Can Use My Pain for My Good?
- How Can I Benefit from My Pain?
- Using Your Pain to Help Others
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of the message - Listen to how Pastor Rick Warren preached this message, noting his tone, pitch, speed, and other variations of delivery.
- Transcript - Follow along as you listen to the audio message and mark the document with your own notes and highlights.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) - Customize these outlines to your message and give them to your members to take notes as you preach.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) - Customize these slides to highlight certain parts/Scriptures in your message.
- Talk It Over Discussion Questions - Give these engaging, follow-up reflection questions to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message in their weekly meetings.
- Estrategias para Tiempos Difíciles (Strategies for Stressful Times)
Starting at $27.99 $21.99
El cambio es parte de la vida. Pero a veces, hay temporadas en las que el cambio se siente tan rápido e implacable que nos sentimos atrapados en el limbo: abrumados, agotados y sin saber qué hacer. Pero fuimos creados para algo más que andar a flote y salir adelante a duras penas. Afortunadamente, siempre podemos acudir a Dios en busca de orientación para navegar situaciones estresantes.
En esta serie de cinco partes, Estrategias para Tiempos Difíciles, sus miembros buscarán la sabiduría de Dios en la Biblia para descubrir nuevas fuerzas para seguir adelante, confiar en Dios cuando nada tiene sentido y manejar el estrés incluso en los momentos más difíciles.
Los mensajes incluyen:
- Cómo Encontrar la Fuerza para Continuar Cuando estoy Agotado Emocionalmente
- Cómo Ser Feliz Pase lo que Pase
- Cómo Confiar en Dios Frente a los Cambios de la Vida
- Cómo Mantener Tu Tanque Lleno en Vez de Traerlo Vacío
- El Secreto de Jesús para la Resiliencia
Este recurso incluye para cada mensaje:
- Audio MP3
- Transcripciones
- Bosquejos (en blanco y para completar)
- Diapositivas del mensaje (.jpeg y PowerPoint)
- Hablar de Ello: Puntos del sermón para hablar en grupos pequeños.
Change is a part of life. But sometimes, there are seasons when change feels so rapid and relentless that we feel stuck in limbo—overwhelmed, exhausted, and not knowing what to do. But we were made for more than just treading water and barely getting by. Thankfully, we can always turn to God for guidance on navigating stressful situations.
In this five-part series, Strategies for Stressful Times, your members will look to God’s wisdom in the Bible to discover new strength to keep going, trust God when it doesn’t make sense, and handle stress even in the most difficult of times.
Messages include:
- Finding the Strength to Keep Going When I'm Emotionally Worn Out
- How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens
- How to Trust God When You Don't Like the Changes in Your Life
- How to Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty
- Jesus' Secrets of Resilience
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of each message
- Transcripts
- Outlines
- Message slides (.jpeg y PowerPoint)
- Talk it Over
- Adventures in Faith-Walking
Starting at $19.99 $13.99
In this farewell series from Pastor Rick and Kay Warren, you’ll hear them share faith lessons they want you to remember. By looking at Hebrews 11, you’ll discover what it means to walk by faith. You’ll also hear from the next senior pastor Andy Wood and his wife Stacie as they join the conversation about the seven facets of faith.
Messages include:
- How Can I Walk by Faith? Part 1 (Rick and Kay Warren)/li>
- How Can I Walk by Faith? Part 2 (Rick and Kay Warren)
- If We Could Say One Thing to You… (Rick and Kay Warren)
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of the message for easy listening on an iPhone, Android, or any other MP3 player.
- Transcript to read while listening to the audio and to highlight passages that stood out.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to understand the structure of the message and give to your members to take notes on.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display as you preach this message.
- Talk It Over Discussion Questions to give to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message.
NOTE: The DVD set only includes videos from the messages, not the additional resources. - Resetting My Life
Starting at $27.99 $21.99
Whether you are feeling overwhelmed or find yourself in a good season of life, you are going to need a reset in your life. God wants to give you a new beginning in all areas of your life as you invite Jesus into your heart. And this powerful series called Resetting Your Life will prepare you for the reset your life needs!
In this series, Pastor Rick Warren will help prepare you for a major reset in your life and give you 3 daily choices you have to make to reset your mindset and experience lasting change. Then, Pastor Milan and his wife Kay Yerkovich will show you why it’s important to look at the early patterns of your behaviors and feelings in order to move forward and develop healthy relationships with yourself and others. Finally, Pastor Tom Holladay looks at three questions you have to ask yourself in order for a reset to happen in your life.
Messages include:
- How to Prepare for a Life Reset (Rick Warren)
- Changing Always Starts with Choosing (Rick Warren)
- Making the Hard Changes in Me (Rick Warren)
- Looking Back to Move Forward (Milan & Kay Yerkovich)
- Three Questions for a Reset (Tom Holladay)
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of the message for easy listening on an iPhone, Android, or any other MP3 player.
- Transcript to read while listening to the audio and to highlight passages that stood out.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to understand the structure of the message and give to your members to take notes on.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display as you preach this message.
- Talk It Over Discussion Questions to give to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message.
NOTE: The DVD set only includes videos from the messages, not the additional resources. - Living Truth
Starting at $27.99 $21.99
Society often tells us to "go with your gut" or "follow your heart." But God never intended for us to live according to our own "truth." Instead, he wants us to spend time with him to get his truth and will for our lives. John 16:13 tells us, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth” (NLT). God is ready to give us the truth . . . are we ready to receive it?
In this series by guest speakers at Saddleback Church, Living Truth, you will discover God’s truth that will help you do the following: Represent Jesus to the people around you, bring others to know the love of Jesus through your obedience to God, and explore ways to love others unconditionally. You will also learn how to keep your soul sane in seasons of change, continue to do good even when you don’t feel like it, wait on God in faith, and discover God’s will for your healing.
Messages include:
- Your Part in the Biggest Story (Naeem Fazal)
- The Power of Yes (Steve Carter)
- Loving Without Conditions (Ryan Nunez)
- Keeping Your Soul Sane in the Seasons of Change (Clay Scroggins)
- Three Good Reasons to Keep Showing Up (Andy Wood)
- Let Go of the Sweet Rice (Eugene Cho)
- Discovering God's Will for My Healing (Matt Brown)
This resource includes:
- MP3 audio of the message for easy listening on an iPhone, Android, or any other MP3 player.
- Transcript to read while listening to the audio and to highlight passages that stood out.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to understand the structure of the message and give to your members to take notes on.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display as you preach this message.
- Talk It Over Discussion Questions to give to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message.
Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox
All leaders are learners. As soon as you stop learning, you stop leading.
The Ministry Toolbox is designed to help you learn from Rick’s 40+ years in ministry. It’s a weekly shot in the arm of wisdom that will help you develop and deepen your passion for ministry and ability to serve others.