Celebrate Recovery

We’ve put together a flowing stream of content to nourish and enrich the lives and leadership of pastors everywhere. We want this space to be a dynamic community where church leaders can draw encouragement and wisdom from one another.

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  1. Life's Healing Choices & Road to Freedom Bundle
    Life's Healing Choices & Road to Freedom Bundle
    $39.98 $25.35
  2. The Road to Freedom: Healing from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits (Hardcover)
    The Road to Freedom: Healing from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits (Hardcover)
  3. Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery (Paperback)
    Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery (Paperback)
    $6.99 $4.99
  4. Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery Outreach Pack (6 Paperback Books)
    Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery Outreach Pack (6 Paperback Books)
    $39.99 $25.99