Great Lessons from the Lesser Known

Multiple Teachers
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Heroes often emerge from unexpected places. Their lives teach us important lessons about what to do, and sometimes, what not to do. Many of these characters seem larger than life — overcoming unbelievable odds on their path to victory. However, some of the best lessons come from less prominent stories — people that appear, at first glance, easy to discount. Great Lessons from the Lesser Known looks more closely at these obscure characters. You'll learn how God can use anyone to accomplish great things. You don't need to be a powerful and wealthy leader to have influence. Obeying God, even in the small things, can impact history.

Messages include:

  1. Living a Significant Life (Tom Holladay)
  2. This Makes No Sense (Steve Adams)
  3. Powerful Proclamations (Kurt Johnston)
  4. Living in Between Miracles (Tom Holladay)

This resource includes:

  • MP3 audio of each message
  • Transcripts
  • Outlines (blank and with fill-ins)
  • Talk It Overs
  • Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint)