A Winsome Witness in the World

Multiple Teachers
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A question you may be asking god right now is, “Why?”.

Why do I feel this pain? Why won’t it go away? Why me?

Those are valid questions that everyone has asked at some point in their lives… but the real question you should be asking is, “What?”.

What is God’s plan . . . because with God there is always a plan. No suffering is without meaning and we can learn to start living a life free of doubt through him.

This four part series will help you better understand pain and it’s purpose in our life. It will also shine a light on how to live a more fulfilling life by learning to be more gentle and kind, even to people you may not necessarily agree with, because to love like God we must love across boundaries.

  1. Winsome Witness in a Warring World teaches us to brave in the face of adversity, just as Christ was brave in sacrificing himself on the cross for us.
  2. The Power of a Gentle Answer says that our gentleness turns away wrath, but that we are allowed to be angry as long as the anger is righteous and directed at evil.
  3. The Purposes of Pain answers one of our most common questions, why does God let us feel pain? You’ll learn there are two reasons God introduces pain in our lives and what we can do to make the most of bad situations.
  4. The Good Life - Happy are the Merciful tells us that love is sometimes costly, but that to truly get closer to God we have to show mercy and love despite our differences.

This resource includes:

  • MP3 audio of each message for easy listening on the go no matter if you use iPhone or Android, or any other MP3 player.
  • Transcripts to read when listening might not be an option, or you want to go back and highlight a passage you particularly enjoyed.
  • Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to follow along with while listening so you can really absorb and understand the messages.
  • Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display to aid in teaching others.

NOTE: The DVD set includes only the video for each sermon, not the additional resources listed above.