The Invisible War

Rick Warren
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"Why is life so hard? Why do we suffer?"

Job asked God those questions when his life started to fall apart and everything was taken away from him.

Those questions resonate with all of us because, let's face it, life can be hard... and it only makes it worse when it feels like there's no rhyme or reason.

The reality is, there's an invisible war going on within us that is after our soul—a war that we can only win with the right armor on.

This eight-part series from Pastor Rick Warren will equip you and your members with God's armor to overcome the invisible war within you.

Hard times are inevitable, but God has provided us with all the wisdom we need to get through them... all we have to do is open his Word!

Sermons included:

  1. When You Feel Like Giving Up shows us how to overcome discouragement and make it to the finish line.
  2. Winning the Battle Inside Me examines the causes, the costs, and the cures for our fight against three main enemies within us that are after our soul.
  3. Set Free from Me teaches us how to overcome our self-destructive tendencies and warns us about Satan's seven weapons against us.
  4. Making the Hard Changes in Me gives us six requirements for making lasting personal changes in our lives.
  5. Why Is Life in This World So Hard? answers two of life's fundamental questions, "Why is life so hard?" and "Why do we suffer?"
  6. Being Faithful in a Faithless World gives us six tests of faithfulness that God uses to grow our faith and bless us.
  7. When Your World Falls Apart uses the story of Jeremiah to show us an example of how we can rebuild our own shattered lives.
  8. Never Fight Your Battles Undressed! teaches us the importance of wearing the full armor of God to win the invisible war within us.

This resource includes:

  • MP3 audio of each message for easy listening on an iPhone, Android, or any other MP3 player.
  • Transcripts to read while listening to the audio and to highlight passages that stood out.
  • Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) to understand the structure of the message and give to your members to take notes on.
  • Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) that can be used as a visual display as you preach.
  • Talk It Over Discussion Questions to give to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message.

NOTE: The DVD set only includes videos from the messages, not the additional resources listed above.