Doing Business with God

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Youll spend one-third of your life at work. Don't you think God wants you to make the most of it? Doing Business with God will show you how to find your best career fit, how to maximize your job, how to get promoted, and how to be more creative, Christlike, and successful at work. This series will revolutionize the way you think about your job, your career, and your work in general.

Messages include:

  1. The Purpose of Work (Rick Warren)
  2. The Work God Shaped You to Do (Rick Warren and Erik Rees)
  3. Making Wise Decisions at Work (Rick Warren)
  4. Standing Out at Work (Rick Warren)
  5. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (John Maxwell)

This resource includes:

  • MP3 audio of each message
  • Transcripts
  • Outlines (blank and with fill-ins)
  • Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint)
  • Talk It Overs

NOTE: The DVD set includes only the video for each sermon, not the additional resources listed above.