Church Security 201 (Softcover)

Kevin Robertson
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Church safety is important, and these days, security must be made a priority. Unfortunately, more than 70% of the churches in America don't have a security ministry.

There are three approaches to security at church. The first is the "stick your head in the sand" approach. This extreme can be overly optimistic and ignore the very real risks. On the other side of the spectrum is the "SWAT/DEFCON 1" approach. This extreme can be overly pessimistic and views everything as a threat. The third approach is to find the middle ground.

This book will give you an insider's perspective to help you find the middle ground on critical issues facing your church including:

  • Background Checks
  • Controlled Access
  • Risk Management
  • Firearms
  • Active Shooter
  • And so much more.

The Church Security series was written to provide useful tips from the experiences at Saddleback Church to help you, as you work alongside the Holy Spirit, to build an effective security ministry at your church.

KEVIN ROBERTSON is the Director of Security at Saddleback Church. Saddleback Church has 16 campuses located in California, four international campuses as well as an internet campus. He oversees a security team consisting of 32 staff and 167 volunteers. Kevin has been on staff at Saddleback Church since January 2000. He is a pastor, former police officer, business owner, and travels the country conducting church security conferences.